Welcome to On The List at jayminter.com
Yes, as you’d imagine it’s about Jay Minter. I’m a Vancouverite; a Marketing Director for a local aviation company who likes to get out and see what’s happening in this city and wherever else the travel whim might take me.
Hopefully this blog will provide you with ‘entertaining’ information as I put you ‘On The List’ with me to check out Music, Arts, Theatre, Movies, Culture, Sport, Style, Shopping & Travel.
In addition to “On The List” I have also contributed to vancouverpresents.com, gayvancouver.net, Straight.com and Kenton Magazine (now closed). Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook or email me at jay.minter@gmail.com to share your events for inclusion to in the Picks of the Week.
Thanks for stopping by…now let’s have some fun!
*most images appearing on this blog are property of the author, some images are taken from the web with no intention of ownership, if you would like an image removed please let us know.
Hello Jay,
I stumbled across your blog post on Festival of Lights. Thank you so much. There was no ‘Contact Me’ section on your blog so please excuse me for leaving this on your Comment section. If you’d like me to add you to my contact data base to receive updates/invites etc. please email me. Love to connect. Also, are you related to Brian?
Nancy Wong, Director Marketing & PR, VanDusen Botanical Garden.