As we many people are putting their Black Friday buys away, hopefully some of it was spent in your neighbourhood, it’s the kick-off of the second annual Buy Local Week. Proclaimed by the City of Vancouver and the Province of British Columbia, the week runs December 2nd to 8th.
Amy Robinson, founder of LOCO, a non-profit local business alliance, says: “On average, Canadian consumers spend $1400 during the holiday season on food, alcohol, gifts and travel. We’re encouraging consumers to make sure some of it is spent with BC-based businesses. When consumers spend their dollars with local businesses, the money re-circulates in their community 2.6 times, because those businesses are locally managed, and use other locals for accounting, marketing, legal and other services. Wealth multiplies and supports more jobs and stronger communities.”
It only takes a 1% increase in BC consumer spending creates 3100 jobs and $94 million dollars in annual wages to BC workers. To launch Buy Local Week, Naomi Yamamoto, Minster of State for Tourism and Small Businesses will speak at 10am at Nuba (207 W Hastings), followed by Amy Robinson of LOCO. Several other Buy Local Week sponsors and partners to speak on the importance of local,Maureen Cureton, Community Investment Portfolio Manager at Vancity, Ian McKay, CEO of the Vancouver Economic Commission and Wes Regan, ED of Hastings Crossing BIA.
For more information and to find LOCO member businesses visit their website and follow them on Twitter @LocoBC or