May is heating up, not just outside but on the Vancouver entertainment scene, find out what’s hot in these picks of the week
Anniversary: Tonight, Passion Pit takes to the Commodore Ballroom on tour in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of their debut album

Improv: Vancouver Theatresports celebrates Moms everywhere with its ‘mother of all Mother’s Day shows’ – MOM=WOW – a special, one-performance-only, Mom-themed show on Sunday at 4:00pm. As well, Throne and Games – The Last Laugh continues to slay audiences with laughs.
Dance: Ballet BC, Program 3, wraps up its season with a trio of pieces performed at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Thursday, Friday & Saturday evenings.
Jazz: Saturday, Surrey City Orchestra plays Jazz & Strings, an evening of jazz and movie music, featuring the Miles Black Trio – Miles Black (piano), Jodi Proznick (Bass), Jesse Cahill (drums) and special guest, singer Julia Copeman-Haynes
Ballers:The Great Leap explores a 1989 exhibition basketball game in Beijing at The Arts Club BMO Theatre Centre until May 19th.

Party: After a 4 year break The Tea Party are back with new music and taking to the stage for two shows at the Commodore Ballroom, Thursday and Friday
Bizet: Thursday at the Chan Centre for Performing Arts at UBC, Carmen in New York, presented by the 45th Avenue Jazz Band, is a novel arrangement of Georges Bizet’s Carmen Suite for Jazz Orchestra.
Film:DOXA Documentary Film Festival, Western Canada’s largest documentary Film Festival, returns to Vancouver for the 18th annual festival May 2nd through May 12th in cinemas around town.

Gallery: Friday night Vancouver Art Gallery FUSE : Gestures comes alive after hours with art, music, performances, artists bars throughout the gallery

Water: Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art in downtown Vancouver presents the new exhibit, qa? y?xw – water honours us: Womxn and Waterways until October 2, 2019
Piano: Saturday night, award winning British singer-songwriter Tom Odell stops at the Commodore Ballroom in support of his third album
Choir: SummerSing! is the Vancouver Bach Choirs’ season finale, bringing together all eight choirs joining in song to celebrate the operatic tradition in an Operamania themed program at the Chan Centre, Saturday

Jericho: Edward Bond’s The Sea, comes ashore at the Jericho Arts Centre, presented by The Slamming Door Artist Collective, from May 2nd to 19th.
Rock: Abbotsford Centre welcomes the 10th Anniversary tour of the 5 time Tony Award-winning Rock Of Ages for one night only on May 11th