Starting today, June 1st, Parks Canada is slowing lifting the gates on our National Historic Sites and National Park Reserves. Closed since the onset of the COVID-19 in March, Parks Canada is making a gradual reopening of sites to ensure the safety of guests and staff.
Being outdoors is encouraged for the health and wellbeing benefits it provides, especially after all this time being at home.
From today onward, visitors will again be permitted to access some trails, day use areas, and green spaces at some of the sites. Only places and activities where health and safety risks can be managed will be opened. Visitors are asked to abide by signage and staff to not access locations that remain closed.
Camping facilities remain closed until at least June 21, 2020, Parks Canada will continue to assess camping will return, and under what circumstances. Group activities and public events will be prohibited until further notice. Highways and roadways which pass through Parks Canada places will remain open. Parks Canada is working with local Indigenous partners, and communities to respect their concerns about COVID-19.
Here is some of the reopening details on the sites in Southwestern BC sites:
Fort Langley National Historic Site:
Opening today: parking, spaces outside of the Fort Langley palisade walls + picnic areas.
June 8th, the grounds within the palisade walls reopen from 10am – 5pm, some washroom facilities will reopen. Follow signs for access to the side palisade entrance.
Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites:
Now open: parking, limited visitors to outdoor spaces at Upper, Lower and Belmont Battery, beach, one-way/sign directional nature trails, and red chairs / picnic tables (bring your own table cloth) washroom facilities are open in the parking lot
Gulf Islands National Park Reserve:
Now open: trails and day use areas are open but not being maintained; visitors may use them at their own risk. parking, washrooms, remain closed, boat access is strongly discouraged.
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve:
Opening June 4th: parking and washrooms at Long Beach North, South and Wikininnish Beaches (Kwisitis Visitor Centre parking lot and beach access trail will remain closed).
Rainforest Trail A & B, Shorepine Bog Trail open for one way directional travel (follow signs)
Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site:
Remains closed until at least June 30, when visitation will be reassessed.
Whenever you can get out to enjoy one of the National Historic Sites or Park Reserves, Parks Canada reminds visitors to be cautious and conservative in their use of these places, observe travel restrictions, respect the guidance of public health experts, and make every effort to keep one another safe.