(Read disc 1, disc 2, disc 3 disc 4, disc 5, disc 6, disc 7)
ABBA – Super Trouper
I know, I’m revealing my inner ‘pop-tart’ with these last few discs but these are important for memories as much as quality.
This album came out in 1980 just as music started to ‘matter’ to someone my age (figure it out for yourself) we luckily had a teacher who allowed us a record player in the classroom. With a little censorship for our ‘young ears’ we were allowed to play records during recess and lunch. I also recall, Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 soundtrack and John Lennon/Yoko Ono being played occasionally as well but ABBA seemed to meet the most consensus amongst the young audience.
Fueled by hit singles; The Winner Takes It All, Super Trouper, Lay All You Love On Me plus On and On and On this record got a lot of play in class as well as out of class on radio. It just always seemed to be ‘there’.
For that matter, ABBA songs, always seem to be there, even after all these years, you still hear them. As cheesy as they might be have that great ‘something’ that makes them perfect pop songs; they’re simple, you can easily sing along to them, they’re catchy without being too annoying.
I bet you’re humming right now!