Swagger: Pronunciation: \?swa-g?r\ Function: verb:
. marked by elegance or showiness
. how one presents him or her self to the world.
There was plenty of swagger in last night’s opening performance of Music Creates Opportunity at The Cultch. The Bboyizm Dance Company show is a tour de force of dance, mainly hip hop, with elements of contemporary, jazz, african and more. Crazy Smooth (Yvon Soglo) leads his crew of 6 other dancers on a near wordless journey demonstrating the unifying joy and expression achieved through the universal language of music and rhythm.
The 60 minute performance flies by as the series of songs and dances effortlessly flow together, but from the sweat flying off the dancers it’s far from effortless on their part. Wary The Warrior (El Houari Si Abdelkader) told me in the after-show reception that each night of the show is slightly different as only about 80% is choreographed, allowing for the remaining segments to be freestyled to show the individual dancers’ personalities.
Music Creates Opportunity plays until October 26th at The Cultch, Historic Theatre at 1895 Venebles Street (at Victoria).
Follow @TheCultch and @BBoyizmCompany on Twitter to follow the show and watch the teaser video to whet your appetite for Music Creates Opportunity