Based on the 2000 movie of the same name, Billy Elliot the Musical tells the tale of a young boy who trades boxing gloves for ballet shoes and the personal trials and tribulations surrounding his decision. Set against the Miner’s strikes of Northern England in the mid 80’s, the impact the strife has on motherless Billy and his family if woven throughout the story.
With music by Sir Elton John and book and lyrics by the original films screenwriter Lee Hall, the songs fit in perfectly to advance the story and set the stage for the rest of the book. Simple sets, eighties costumes and very well done County Durham accents transport the audience to another time and place. The current Toronto cast is exceptionally lead by Kate Hennig at Mrs Wilkinson, Billy’s dance teacher, confidant and mentor and, in the performance I saw, by Julian Elia as Billy. With Billy in every nearly every scene there is a revolving four actors playing Billy from day to day. The entire cast maintains the feeling and atmosphere of the eighties while keeping their accents and emotions throughout the songs. A good dose of laughs balances the tears and emotion to keep the musical uplifting so everyone leaves on a feel good note.
Billy Elliot The Musical is currently on Broadway at the Imperial Theatre and in Toronto, held over until September 3, 2011, at the Canon Theatre