Morningstar Farm in Parksville, BC is a great place for city-slickers to get in touch with the country (albeit a slightly touristy version of the country). Home to Little Qualicum Cheese Works and Mooberry Winery this is a great spot to see how food gets from field to table.
With cheese produced from the Farm’s own herds of Holstein, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss and Canadienne dairy cows sold alongside great tasting BC Fruit wines crafted on-site, the Farmgate shop is a locavores dream place to find local meats and produce.
Self-guided farm tours are available daily from 9am – 5pm in Summer and Autumn; visit and pet the animals, in the milking parlor the dairy cows are milked twice daily and watch the cheesemakers in action. After all that fresh air and fun stop by for a wine tasting at the winery, take home your own farm fare from the Farmgate Shop.
Morningstar Farm is a great little excursion next time you’re in the Parksville/Qualicum area.